For all new business enquiries please contact;
Raj Rooprai
M: 075 3868 7745
studio ROOPRAI
architecture & urbanism
To work at different urban scales from Macro to Mark to ensure that a holistic vision is maintained.
Identify the intensity and function of land uses; their connection with
transport networks, and key natural resources.
Promote a range of centres, of varying size, according to their function in the region.
Develop a logical structure of connected routes.
Integrate public and private transport networks and with the land uses they serve.
Seek a balance between residential, employment and recreational activities.
Celebrate regional landmarks and natural features.
Provide green linkages between natural habitats where ecologically beneficial.
Consider region-wide strategies for energy conservation and waste management.
MIDI - MASTER PLAN / URBAN DESIGN (Districts & town centres)
Set the role of the site / area within the context of the immediate neighbourhood and connections to regional transport routes
Define nodes as walkable catchments.
Promote higher-density residential activities that achieve high
standards of privacy, safety, security, private open space and visual character.
Provide compact and efficient public open spaces near the core, larger ones towards the periphery.
Promote a well-connected local movement system which is well integrated with land uses.
Plan for a range of employment, residential and community uses, which co-exist in a manner that strengthens the local
condition and adds diversity.
Promote an urban form and movement network that is easily understood and negotiated.
Emphasise the characteristics and history of each distinctive local character area or precinct.
Protect ecologically sensitive habitats such as streams and wetlands.
Extend tree planting within the street network.
Provide a diverse range of plant species.
(Public spaces & streets)
Responding to the surrounding existing and future development context and the public realm.
To respond to development frameworks; to determine building envelopes.
Plan sites that are well integrated into their context.
Aim to connect routes across and through the site to increase the public use and safety of the area.
Vary the density within the site.
Allow for change over time with connected street networks, good street parking.
Modify routes to recognise the land form and other natural features.
Design strongly defined paths, each with a distinctive visual character.
Define natural features and habitats as public spaces fronted by development to ensure they are safe.
Provide tree-lined streets.
Connect green areas with reserves where the specific movement of wildlife requires this.
Design public spaces and streets that effectively connect new developments into the surrounding context.
Design safe streets which combine the movement of public transport, private vehicles, cycles and pedestrians.
Promote and design for a wide range of activities, including organised events and markets as well as informal use by
individuals and small groups.
Promote well-defined, active edges to all public spaces.
Provide strong visual connections between the public spaces and the uses that front them.
Consider the spatial relationships between a public space and the buildings surrounding it, and promote higher degrees of
spatial enclosure in more intensive urban conditions.
Use materials and visual references that reflect the local cultural context and landscape.
Evoke the full range of senses with designs that use a variety of textures, sound effects, and fragrances.
Provide effective signage that contributes to the visual character.
Promote public art works.
Use plant species to differentiate one space from another and to express seasonal changes.
Allow for storm water retention and low-impact water treatment measures.
Proposed building responds to specific site conditions, as well as meeting needs of their occupiers.
Provide a range of plot sizes that allow for a mix of uses, building and dwelling sizes and tenure arrangements.
Plan plot layouts that optimise solar orientation while still creating high-quality streets.
Incorporate on-site water-quality treatment measures where practical.
Design buildings to have active street frontage
Step tall buildings down to integrate with lower buildings
Promote a range of building types that can respond to a diverse range of needs.
Consider buildings that accommodate more than one use.
Design buildings that can change use over time.
Design buildings that have a rich visual character.
Make reference to the local character, heritage and features by complementary or contrasting design.
Consider the form, materials and detailed treatment.
Design buildings that require less operational energy.
Minimise the use of new resources, e.g, by using recycled building materials and limiting the use of energy from nonrenewable sources.
Respond to local wind, rain, soil and sunlight conditions; use natural light and ventilation where possible.
Use construction techniques that save energy.