For all new business enquiries please contact;
Raj Rooprai
M: 075 3868 7745
studio ROOPRAI
architecture & urbanism
To ensure that the essential eight ‘C’s - which together create quality design urban places.
Our working methodology enable change and the delivery of complex towns and cities. It identifies the essential design qualities for each project:
COMPACT: ensure that the mass and intensity create diversity of attractions
CONTEXT: seeing that buildings, places and spaces are part of the whole town or city
CHARACTER: reflecting and enhancing the distinctive character, heritage and identity of our urban environment
CHOICE: ensuring diversity and choice for people
CONNECTIONS: enhancing how different networks link together for people
CREATIVITY: encouraging innovative and imaginative solutions
CUSTODIANSHIP: ensuring design is environmentally sustainable, safe and healthy
C0-OPERATIONN: communicating and sharing knowledge across sectors, professions and with communities.