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Maintain good communication and share information across different groups

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Breakdown the silos of Planning, Landscape, Architecture, Construction and Engineering and share knowledge



Embrace BIM (Building Information Modelling) to integrate the design, construction and maintenance process.


  • 3D Parametric Data: Allows participants to manage multidisciplinary collaboration though modelling and analysing complex spatial and structural issues

  • 4D Scheduling: Allows planning optimization: 
    builders and manufacturers can advance their development activities and team coordination.

  • 5D Estimating: Allows the tracking of spending and cost analysis

  • 6D Sustainability: Allows accurate energy 
    estimates earlier in the planned procedure and  decreases energy consumption

  • 7D Facilities Management: Allows for the 
    management of operations and maintenance of the facility for the duration of its life cycle.

Community Engagement

Include the local community in the decision making processes

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Acknowledge and develop further research and training in urban design at national, regional and local levels


Community Engagement

Work collaboratively with groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting the wellbeing of those people Option for community engagement include:


  • Information: Tell people what is planned.

  • Consultation: Offer a number of options and listen to the feedback you get.

  • Deciding together: Encourage others to provide some additional ideas and options, and join in deciding the best way forward.

  • Acting together: Not only do different interests decide together what is best, but they form a partnership to carry it out.

  • Supporting independent community interests: Help others do what they want.


Work with academic and research communities to bring forward more research, development and demonstration to the wider industry and work to remove barriers to innovation.


Research should develop and explore values, knowledge, skills, techniques and abilities needed to make sustainable, effective and creative contributions to urban design challenges

  • Understanding and application of current urban design theory and practice

  • Understanding of contextual issues such as sustainability, cultural, legal and socio-economic factors.

  • Applying theory to practice by creatively and systematically generating sensitive urban design

  • Developing and applying communication skills and techniques to present findings to the public and associated professionals

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 
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05. Gender Equality.jpg
08. Decent Work & Eonomic Growth.jpg
09. Industry Innovation & Infrastructure
17. Partnership for the Goals.jpg
Community Engagement
12. Responible Consumption & Production.
13. Climate Action.jpg
14. Life Below Water.jpg
17. Partnership for the Goals.jpg
15. Life on Land.jpg
16. Pace, Justice & strong Institutions.
02 Zero Hunger.jpg
04. Quality Education.jpg
09. Industry Innovation & Infrastructure
07. Affordable & Clean Energy.jpg
13. Climate Action.jpg
14. Life Below Water.jpg
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