For all new business enquiries please contact;
Raj Rooprai
M: 075 3868 7745
studio ROOPRAI
architecture & urbanism
Mixed Use
Provide a variety of uses within mixed use neighbourhoods
Adaptable Environs
Ensure developments are flexible and adaptable and be in demand over a long period of time
Inclusive Design
Guarantees the built environment are accessible to all age groups and disabilities
Mixed Use
Mixed use development refers to development projects that comprise a mixture of land uses, or more than just a single use. In terms of planning permissions, it is land or
buildings used for different uses which fall into more than one use class.
A mixed-use aims to combine three or more uses into one structure. It brings together several uses within either one building or a small area.
Vertical: Combines different uses within the same building. Provides for more public uses on the lower floor such as retail shops, restaurants, of commercial businesses. Provides for more private uses on the upper floors such as residential units, hotel rooms, or office space
Horizontal: Spread over several buildings, these individual buildings serve one or two specific uses which allows for a range of land uses in a single development project. Provides for a variety of complementary and integrated uses that are walkable and within a given neighbourhood or development project
Adaptable Environs
The capacity to change the built-environment in order to respond and fit to the evolving demands of its users/ environment maximizing value throughout its lifecycle
Movable: Allow temporary (Meanwhile spaces) to be moveable
Adjustable: Create places that can change in order to make it more suitable
Versatile: Allow space and places to lend itself to alternative use
Refitable: Restore and repair exiting places and spaces
Convertible: Allow flexibility with the design to allow for changes in use
Scalable: Create spaces whose size, performance, or number of users can be increased on demand without a penalty in cost or functionality.
Create a wide range tenure: long-term leasehold and rent; co-ownership/ co-partnership and co-tenancy; as well as shared equity, social and private rent, and owner occupation
Inclusive Design
The design of an environment so that it can be
accessed and used by as many people as possible, regardless of age, gender and disability. Principles of Inclusive Design
Inclusive: so everyone can use it safely, easily and with dignity
Responsive: taking account of what people say they need and want
Flexible: so different people can use it in different ways
Convenient :so everyone can use it without too much effort or separation
Accommodating for all people, regardless of their age, gender, mobility, ethnicity or circumstances
Welcoming: with no disabling barriers that might exclude some people
Realistic: offering more than one solution to help balance everyone’s needs and recognising that one solution may not work for all