For all new business enquiries please contact;
Raj Rooprai
M: 075 3868 7745
studio ROOPRAI
architecture & urbanism
Densification & Intensification
Ensure that the building form and intensity of development create diversity of attractions
Densification & Intensification
Implement the ‘compact city’ concept; promote high density with mixed land uses, based on an efficient public transport system. The benefits include shorter commute times, reduced environmental impact of the community, and reduced consumption of fossil fuels and energy. Create efficient transport network options within and between neighbourhoods, districts, towns and cities.
Densification and intensification of suburban areas to add new vitality to existing places. Provide a rich range of experiences through the urban grain
Complementary Uses: Provide a rich mix of housing, jobs, schools and retail
Access to local services: Provide community facilities within easy walking distance to meet the daily needs
Green & Open Spaces: Ensure easy access to leisure spaces to maintain physical and mental health
Continuity: Ensure there is an overall harmonious blend
Transport Oriented Development
Promote higher densities around TOD’s (Transport Oriented Development) with mixed land uses
Transport Oriented Development
Transport Oriented Development (TOD) maximizes the amount of residential, business and leisure space within
walking distance of public transport. TOD aims to increase public transport ridership by reducing the use of private cars and by promoting sustainable urban growth. Cities can ensure TOD by focusing on
Location: Locate stations with highest ridership potential and development opportunities
Distance: Designate 500m to 1000m radius around station as higher density, mixed-use, walkable development
Densities: Create range of densities with highest at station, tapering down to existing neighbourhoods
Multi model connections: Enhance multi-modal connections, making transfers easy, direct, and comfortable
Urban connection: Design station site for seamless pedestrian connections to surrounding development
Place making: Create public plaza directly fronting one or more sides of the station building. Use station as catalyst for major redevelopment of area and great place making around station
Retail: Create retail and cafe streets leading to station entrances along main pedestrian connections
Cycling: Incorporate bike share, a comprehensive bike-way network, and large ride-in bike parking area.
Networks & Districts
Enrich and combine different networks with urban densities
Networks & Districts
Put people first by designing an inclusive, resilient and sustainable road network; appreciated for its usefulness but also its elegance, reflecting in its design the beauty of the natural, built and historic environment through which it passes, and enhancing it where possible.
Connecting people: Making roads safe and useful, inclusive and understandable. Good road design reflects users’ needs, engages with communities and works intuitively for all.
Connecting places: Good design demands a deep understanding and response to place, to create a quality aesthetic experience for the user and wider community. This is restrained and environmentally sustainable design, in fitting with the context.
Connecting processes: A successful outcome focused on people and places requires good design processes. These are collaborative, thorough and innovative, generating long-lasting outcomes that are of benefit to users and the wider community.